Glen Cuthbert
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2011
Location: Rodney, Ontario
Duration: 32:00
Distance: 5 km
We were at Camp YES for a weekend of snow camp. There were enough of us from the team that we decided to have a group run. It was about -2, much better than the -20 that it had been earlier in the weekend. I was sore from the games and activities of camp. My right leg was cramped for most of it, and still is, so I'm limping pretty bad right now. If it doesn't clear up soon, I'll go get it checked out. We were joined by Mr. John Vink from Harvester's Baptist Church. I had hoped that we would see some campers out running with us, but I think the 6:30 am start time turned them off a bit. It was cool to be out in the country and be able to run on the road. Not too much snow, it was packed down quite a bit.