Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Update from Haiti- Jan/Feb

Dear Brethren in the Lord,

Praising the Lord for HE hath done mighty works in the year 2010. Praying and hoping to have another blissful year 2011.

In spite of many troubles in the year 2010, the Lord showed us HIS power and loving kindness. He preserved us from earthquake, cholera epidemic and from human made disaster in the country. Infact, the circumstances were gateways for us to share more gospel. Several thousands got saved thru our services and ministries. Many backslidden Christians return to the Lord. The attendance increased and many converts followed the water baptism. Of course, your faithful prayers and support were big factors of the success. Thank you very much and may you continue partnering with us this year 2011.

The year 2011, we set up a yearly program to boost the ministries. The month of January our theme is about Global Mission. We encourage our people to be strong in the Lord and help us to build a solid church numerically and financially. The whole month was blessed tremendously with high attendance and the giving increased. The highlight was getting more people to get involve in faith promise giving for local and foreign mission. The result was wonderful. We have enough to support our mission commitment. Thank God.

February, 6-8, we had a mission conference, about 150 Pastors, pastors wives, Bible students and church leaders attended. Once again, we were challenged to response the great commission of winning the whole world to Christ. The activities refreshed us , then reactivated our momentum to be on fire for God’s service. Every night we had services with 70 first time visitors and 13 got saved.

It has been over a month since we had a Bible study at the Philippines Contingent Camp. Some officers attended regularly every Sunday afternoon. So far, 3 soldiers received Christ as their personal Savior. The Bible study helps strengthen the soldiers to stand morally and spiritually. Bro. Boy Divinagracia helped us to handle this Bible study. Praise God.

Again, whatever we accomplished and won souls from the past year, you and your church people were a part. Thank you very much and lets continue holding the rope for the success of God’s business whom He entrusted to us here on earth.

Your co-laborer in the Lord,

Bro. Leny and Family